Last saturday, we had the pleasure of having with us Benoit Sinthon, Head Chef of the “Il Gallo D’Oro” Restaurant / PortoBay Hotels & Resorts, which recently received its second Michelin Star! At the end of the day, Chef Benoit had the opportunity to leave his mark, and plant a Tree at Parque Ribeira Primeira.
As usual, when the customers arrive to Parque Ribeira Primeira, they are offered a free Welcome Drink (Regional or Passion Fruit Poncha).
Fishing, Weighing and Cleaning of the trout:
Everyone got to catch and eat their fish! There are a couple natural and ecological lagoons at Parque Ribeira Primeira, where the trout breeding takes place. Chef Benoit, however, caught his from the “Big lagoon”. His trout weighed 3 pounds, it was huge! Many pictures were taken, always trying to make the fish look bigger than they actually were, because at the end of the day, “the fish’s size is a fisherman’s pride”.
Planting of the Tree (Vinhático):
The PortoBay group was invited to participate in the project “The Grand Book of the Tree Planters”. Chef Benoit read, filled and signed the Commitment Document, leaving a short message as well, for future Tree Planters to read. Not only did he plant a Persea Indica, but he also created a bond between the CliffBay Group and its staff and Parque Ribeira Primeira.
Environmental Protection and Sustainability
This tour’s “theme” was “take care of nature, and nature will take care of you”. Examples were given, as to how working alongside nature can save you money, get you positive results, and of course, protect our planet.